Sunday, January 29, 2006


Nauvoo Pageant

: "The Nauvoo Pageant celebrates the legacy of early Latter-day Saints whose faith brought them to a swampy bend of the Mississippi. Narrated by Parley P. Pratt, the pageant emphasizes the prophetic mission of Joseph Smith and honors the sacrifice, faith, and courage of the Saints who gave their all to build a city and a temple to their God. The pageant is filled with authentic hymns and folksongs, lively dances, and tender moments that share the joy these early Saints found in living Christ’s gospel. Through words taken from journals, sermons, and historic records of the period, the pageant invites all to feel the powerful testimonies of these faithful Saints.
2006 Performance Dates
July 7-8, 11-15, 18-22, 25-29
and August 1-4"

Friday, January 20, 2006



Originally uploaded by m0smith.
For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


rzamor1: FamilySearch's New Feature Family Tree

rzamor1: FamilySearch's New Feature Family Tree: "This complex computer technology is now called Family Tree. It is designed to be used in various internet browsers. It can be used in multiple languages. (I counted 51 Worldwide Support phone numbers.) You can enter names of people and places in almost any of the characters used in the world’s languages. You can enter diacritics and characters from Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Greek, Russian and other languages. Everyone is given their own Personal Identifier number. Family Tree has over 100 billion numbers reserved. In time it will stop the flowing of various GEDCOM’s with different versions of the same family trees. People will be able to be united in their efforts and prevent the duplication of genealogy work. Eventually the system will go out and search for possible ancestors for you to link to. I think of this as similar to OneGreatFamily and GenCircles’ GenSmart features. But, Family Tree was totally designed from scratch; we have a whole new standard.

If you are LDS you will need your membership number, confirmation date, and email address to create your username and password to log onto the system. This allows you to have access to temple information. Those that are not LDS will not be bothered by seeing this information or having LDS features show that you are not interested in when you log on. For the remainder of this article I will address how Family Tree functions with the LDS researcher in mind. I will also refer to Family Tree as FamilySearch, since it is a feature of the overall website."

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